North Shore Diabetes and Endocrine Associates has always had a sincere commitment to diabetes education. We were the first private practice in New York to gain recognition from the American Diabetes Association for our Diabetes Education Program, and we continue to strive to be on the cutting edge of diabetes management and research. We believe that, through education, we can help improve the quality of life of an individual with diabetes.
By including a diabetes education program in an endocrinology practice environment, our patients are provided access to a wide array of resources essential to the optimal management of their diabetes. The Diabetes Education Associates program consists of 7 group classes designed to answer questions about Diabetes, as well as about one’s individual role in maintaining good control of their blood sugars. Our education program begins with an initial assessment and ends with a follow-up session to evaluate how well the class participants did in attaining their goals.
The classes offer information and support, with opportunities for group discussion. All patients with Diabetes, whether Type 1, Type 2, or Gestational, as well as their family members, are invited to participate. We work with individuals who control their diabetes with diet and exercise, oral medications, insulin injections and insulin pumps.
Class sessions consist of the following:
- Diabetes Basics – types of diabetes, effect of diet, exercise, and medication on blood sugar, self-testing of blood sugars
- You and Your Diet – nutrition, exchange lists, and carbohydrate counting.
- Personalizing Your Diet – review of personal food diary and blood sugar logs, suggested diet changes, label reading
- Controlling Your Blood Sugars – hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, sick day rules, knowing how and when to test.
- General Facts – complications, including dental care, eye care, foot care
- Staying in Balance – diabetes and cardiovascular health, shopping tips, dining out tips, exercise
- Coping With Diabetes – dealing with your feelings, family support, accepting the challenge of living with diabetes
The purpose of NSDEAs Diabetes Education Program is to provide credible, safe and effective diabetes self-management training and support to empower people with diabetes (and their caregivers), with necessary and lifelong skills, knowledge and support.
Our educational services are offered both in-group and individual sessions.